Multi-Step Nonlinear with Solutions 401 and 402 with Simcenter 3D for Pre/Post

  • Icon Calendar April 17th 2023
  • Icon Timer8 AM MT
  • Icon LocationLakewood, CO
  • Icon Dollar3300

Multi-Step Nonlinear with Solutions 401 and 402 with Simcenter 3D for Pre/Post


The Multi-Step Nonlinear with Solutions 401 and 402 with Simcenter 3D for pre/post course covers the advanced nonlinear
capabilities in Simcenter Nastran

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Date(s) - April 17, 2023 - April 19, 2023
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


It presents types of nonlinear effects in models including material, geometric, and contact and explains the solver steps in the solution process. It identifies difficulties that nonlinear solutions can pose and offers best practices for debugging convergence problems with nonlinear solutions.

The course includes static, dynamic, and modal-type solutions. The solver capabilities for material nonlinearities such as plasticity, hyperelasticity, and creep are discussed. Geometric nonlinearities and contact algorithms and parameters for these solvers are introduced. Hands-on workshop exercises supplement the lecture content, including exercises specifically designed to help the student understand convergence criteria and how to debug models.


Register for Multi-Step Nonlinear with Solutions 401 and 402 with Simcenter 3D for Pre/Post

Please complete the following form to register for this training event.