IMAT 8.3.0 Installation Instructions

ATA IMAT version 8.3.0: Interface between MATLAB, Analysis, and Test

This product is a toolbox that allows MATLAB to exchange data with I-deas, Nastran, Abaqus, and other software pages.

This version of the IMAT Toolbox has been tested with MATLAB R2024a and R2021b. It should also work with MATLAB R2022a-R2023b.

After installing, please read the Changelog and Frequently Asked Questions in the HTML documentation for important information about this release (start with index.html in the doc directory of the IMAT installation).

Unix/Linux/Mac instructions:

The following commands will unpack the archive. Note that you may need to have root privileges to install this package. You will also need the zip file password, which you can obtain from ATA Engineering.

  • unzip imat_v8*.zip
  • tar -xvf imat_v8*.tar

Further installation instructions are in the file README.

Windows instructions:

The distribution comes in an InstallShield executable. The executable is packaged in a password-protected Zip file. You can obtain the password from ATA Engineering.

If you have any problems with this installation process, please contact [email protected] to request a self-extracting archive file. Further installation instructions are in the file README.txt.

Technical questions, bug reports, or suggestions may be sent by email to [email protected].

License Installation for IMAT:

IMAT licenses are supplied by the Sentinel RMS server, which is provided as a separate installation. This version of IMAT requires Sentinel RMS 9.7 or newer. You can download the latest version of the license server by clicking here.

Please follow the installation instructions that come with the server package to install and configure the license server. You will need to contact ATA Engineering for a license file. Assuming this is installed and configured correctly, all you need to do for IMAT is to set the environment variable LSHOST to point to the server. On Linux/Unix, you can set this variable using the command

export LSHOST=no-net~server
setenv LSHOST=no-net~server ( C shell )

On Windows, you can define it in Settings > Control Panel > System.

Alternatively, you can set the environment variable LSFORCEHOST to the name of your license server. This is necessary if your license server is on a different subnet, and it should speed up initial license checkout slightly.