Teamcenter for Simulation Deployment

Support for Siemens Teamcenter for Simulation

ATA offers implementation leadership to aerospace companies as they begin to deploy the Siemens Teamcenter for Simulation and NX Advanced Simulation tools.

ATA’s staff is experienced in developing workflows and streamlined processes for analysis teams working in a data-managed environment. We provide experts in aerospace analysis who can both facilitate the implementation process with the tool leaders and support project work while your analysts begin working with their new tools. The result of ATA’s support is a quicker understanding of where your company wants to go with less frustration for the engineers involved.

ATA is an engineering services company that is an expert in applying advanced mechanical engineering software for engineering testing and analysis of mechanical structures, including structural dynamics and structural analysis. We use state-of-the-art computer-aided engineering and mechanical engineering software enhanced by our custom-developed software to efficiently and effectively address the challenges of mechanical and aerospace systems. As a result of our engineering services, ATA is uniquely qualified to facilitate methods development.


The combination of Teamcenter for Simulation and NX Advanced Simulation allows the analyst to work on the same part or assembly file that design engineers first created, without writing that part out to a neutral file or having to make a less detailed part for analysis. In addition to parts, assemblies, and finite element models, other types of data are now tracked in one location so that there is no need to reenter data when it is passed from one department to the next. By removing redundant tasks, this type of simulation data-managed environment helps to lower costs and maintains your schedule. Implementing the right workflow and processes maximizes the collaboration between organizational departments and consequently the benefits of data management.

ATA Provides Support Throughout the TC/NX Implementation Process

  • Teamcenter Process – Working in the new environment
    • How to set up workflows and best practices for using TC for simulation
  • NX Adoption – Identifying superior NX functionality/methods
    • Demonstrate company-specific processes in NX CAE
  • Customized Training – Implementing processes in new tools
    • Develop training based on results of 1 and 2 above
  • Project or Program Context – On-site engineering support
    • ATA engineers perform project work with your engineers

Some Considerations for Deploying a Unified Deployment Architecture

  • Couple CAE with CAD process early
    • Workflow questions arise when CAE and CAD are coupled
  • Consider impact of CAD modeling practices for CAE
    • E.g., material definition
    • One solid per part
    • Naming practices for CAD BOM to CAE BOM mapping
    • Should all sites and disciplines be in one TC instance?
      • Separate instances add a step to communication
      • Separate instances at sites increase tendency to not talk

ATA is a Valuable Partner for Tool Migration

Our experience allows us to identify the potential problem areas while designing corporate workflows during the implementation phase, such that major process issues are avoided and the transition to a simulation managed environment is a smooth one. ATA can help teach designers practices that facilitate finite element modeling and teach analysts how to use their new tools efficiently.

Request a Free Trial

If you would like additional information about any of these software products or a free trial, please contact us.