Understanding Aircraft Flutter and Predicting It with Simcenter 3D and Nastran

Learn the underlying causes of aircraft flutter, the impact of flutter on airframe design, and how to predict flutter using Siemens Simcenter 3D and Nastran.

Flutter is a dynamic aeroelastic instability that causes dangerous oscillation of wings or other aircraft surfaces and can lead to catastrophic structural failure. This webinar will cover the fundamentals you need to understand and avoid flutter. Flutter analysis with Simcenter 3D and Nastran will be demonstrated live.

Topics covered:

  •  Busting the myth that flutter is a forced response.
  • Understanding the energy pathways that lead to instability.
  • Comprehending classical flutter analysis results.
  • Creating a Nastran flutter model with Simcenter 3D.
  • Evaluating Nastran flutter results with Simcenter 3D.

About the Speaker:

Anthony Ricciardi, Ph.D., Project Engineer, ATA Engineering Inc.

Dr. Ricciardi is an expert Nastran user and instructor for Siemens’ official course on Nastran Aeroelasticity. As an ATA project engineer, he uses Nastran on a daily basis to deliver analysis-driven solutions to customers’ most challenging engineering problems. He specializes in structural dynamics analysis, aeroelastic analysis, and optimization of aerospace vehicles. Before joining ATA, Dr. Ricciardi worked for the USAF SEEK EAGLE Office, where he implemented aeroelastic analyses and flight flutter tests for fighter aircraft. As a Virginia Tech graduate student, Dr. Ricciardi developed new optimization methods for aeroelastic-scaled-model design and new analysis techniques for predicting aeroelastic gust response.


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